Reader Reviews for The Oasis Within
"The Oasis Within is hands down the best book I have ever read. THANK YOU!" Julia Ware. September 10, 2016.
Amazon 5 stars Exceeded my Expectations By EMILE on July 2, 2016 Verified Purchase
Exceeded my expectations. I liked it so much, I gave it as a gift to 3 graduates, high school, college and grad school. Great advice for anyone beginning something new and a wonderful story too. Love Tom Morris.
Amazon 5 stars Wonderful read!! By Dee on April 25, 2016 Verified Purchase
I’m a very skeptical person when it comes to novels; and, those who know me would never imagine me reading one of a philosophical nature. However, I am certainly glad I cracked this one open. A chapter a day turned into several an hour and afterwards I found myself reviewing specific parts of this wonderful book. Tom Morris brings us an epic tale of a boy and his uncle crossing the desert while exploring philosophy at its best. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to grow or just enjoy a good story. You’ll find it to be packed full of insight and may even take on the role of student while reading it! Destined to be a classic read, The Oasis Within will not disappoint!!
Amazon 5 Stars from Alex Sewing on June 30, 2017. Must Buy. I was fortunate enough to see Tom in person at ASSE Safety 2017. He was incredibly captivating in his keynote speech—so I bought his book without hesitation. Turns out, he is equally as captivating in his writing. The Oasis Within is a MUST BUY!
Just finished reading—Wished I had the book when I was 13!! Proverbs in the desert! - Jim Duncan
The Oasis Within was a wonderful romp into the light. - Joey Dumont, Advertising Mogul, and author of Joey Somebody.
Amazon 5 stars Five Stars By Michael H. on April 24, 2016 Verified Purchase
Wonderful reading—looking forward to the series!
Mountain Stream Reading - from Cory Noonan
Amazon 5 stars By Michael on April 12, 2016 Verified Purchase Another GREAT BOOK of WISDOM! Morris makes learning life lessons fun and easy in an exciting and enjoyable manner! Strongly recommended
A good friend gave The Oasis Within to one of his older friends and just got this note:
I started this book last night in the Atlanta TSA line. Got a third of the way through it before I put it down on the plane trip home. Very good book for anyone, and especially me. So many pearls of wisdom within spoke directly to me. There were sentences I had to read over a couple of times because their application to my life could have a profound affect. Anyhow, thanks for sharing it.
Mike Bukowski - Strategic Consultant at Humana
As I sit in my special "oasis," I pull out a book, The Oasis Within, from Tom Morris, that couldn't have been a more perfect fit for this moment in my life. Coming off an especially trying "adventure," I'm reminded, one chapter in, of the importance of living life in the present and choosing a good perspective. While I'm in a physical oasis now, it's in my power to carry my oasis with me all the time. Thank you Tom! You're a wonderful speaker and a great author.
Check out the shirt pocket of the young man on the escalator in Philly. He grabbed the card from his dad's car. Never too young to start cultivating The Oasis Within.
David Buchan Jul 1 ON Twitter: This, like your other books, reminds and supports me so I can be a better person. They connect me to the fire within.
Tom V. Morris is not your typical philosopher! He is also a brilliant writer. He is a combination of Kierkegaard and Socrates, J.K. Rowling and Aristotle! The Oasis Within will touch your soul like few others can. It addresses areas of meaning and suffering and how we should deal with the worst of times and the best of times; what wisdom is, why we should not shun uncertainty, our personal identity, and how to find an oasis in the storms of life.
Tom tells great stories with striking examples to give us all guidance, and does not fall into the common secular misconception of “follow your heart” without regard to consequences or objective moral or natural codes. His main character at one point says, “We all have feelings and desires that come and go. This is why I speak of following our deepest and most proper feelings, not just any emotion or inclination that crosses your heart. …. I’ve learned to put aside immediate temptation for the sake of long term good. It’s not an easy thing to master, but it’s one of life’s most important skills and it brings the deepest satisfactions.” Amen to that! If you are not reading this book, then you are really missing out on one of the twenty-first century’s very best examples of Philosophical fiction -- period!
Khaldoun A. Sweis, PhD, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Olive-Harvey College. Tutor in Philosophy, Oxford University, UK.
Singer Caroline Klehr with The Oasis Within, a bit of summer reading on a warm sunny day, poolside.
Amazon 5 stars Wonderful read!! By Dee on April 25, 2016 Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I’m a very skeptical person when it comes to novels; and, those who know me would never imagine me reading one of a philosophical nature. However, I am certainly glad I cracked this one open. A chapter a day turned into several an hour and afterwards I found myself reviewing specific parts of this wonderful book. Tom Morris brings us an epic tale of a boy and his uncle crossing the desert while exploring philosophy at its best. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to grow or just enjoy a good story. You’ll find it to be packed full of insight and may even take on the role of student while reading it! Destined to be a classic read, The Oasis Within will not disappoint!!
"Thank you, Tom, for writing this masterpiece for us. Full of words of wisdom that we can use in life." - Vinod Rangra, pictured below reading The Oasis Within in the Himalayas.
Bangong Lake @ 14,000 ft near the China border. An adventurer reads The Oasis Within for even more inspiration than the setting provides.
Amazon 5 stars A Novel of Drama, Wit, and Wisdom - Gay Norton Edelman, Former Senior Editor: McCalls, Rosie, Parents, Family Circle
Imagine a novel so chock-a-block with wisdom, cool characters and dramatic tension--oh, wait. You don't have to imagine. It's here! Tom Morris's novel is beyond fine. It's a great story (or I should say the beginnings of a great story; rumors of many more books to come in a series!) in Tom's polished prose and--best of all--filled with deep, gentle words of the deepest, wisest life-perspective. Tom! We are waiting for the next in the series! Bring it on!
Hey Dr. Morris, I just finished The Oasis Within and wanted to say it was great!! I want to start The Golden Palace but should probably wait until after finals!! Anyways, keep up the great work and I look forward to reading the rest of the series. Best, Josh Saghy
UNC Morehead-Cain Nominee Richard Livingston reads and highlights The Oasis Within.
In one of the darkest times of my life, The Oasis Within became my oasis of peace. It reminded me to turn the (inner) telescope around for a new perspective, and to always remember “We can’t control the day, but only what we make of the day”. It’s a book I will continually go back to.
Dino Muccio, stunt man, The Hunger Games, Insurgent, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Sopranos, and many other films and TV shows. Stunt coordinator, The Choice and many other films.
Amazon 5 stars You will be glad you did - Amazon Customer on January 19, 2016
The Oasis Within is concise practical wisdom written as a story-telling novel of adventure. It's practical application runs a wide gamut, but it speaks to me most loudly in terms of leadership and change management. It is one of several Tom Morris works that have led me to consider him to be one of my "paper mentors." Just read it, you will be glad you did!
I started reading The Oasis Within on Wednesday and finished it last night. What a gem! It is on my re-read shelf and I plan to share it with my sons as a valentine gift cause, after all, the real secret In life is to carry an oasis in your heart every day.
Laura G
Amazon 5 stars Seeds Planted in This Oasis Have Much Promise By Bruce M. May on December 29, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
As I read the reviews of Dr. Morris’ wonderful book, The Oasis Within, I found myself nodding “yes, yes, yes”. Superlative writing and matchless lessons are combined in leading us into the promise on a profound experience in wisdom literature. Having been introduced to this modern day thinker in his book Philosophy for Dummies, I was prepared for something special. I got more than anticipated.
This first in a series, Walid and The Mysteries of Phi, may be Morris’s initial venture into fiction but this book moves us far beyond fiction. We are carried into a world of a different culture in a time and place not completely remote. There we are invited to share in such fundamental understandings of the human condition that we must ask “Why did no one ever explain this to me in this way?” He writes with love and power and may be offering a menu for moving beyond the stagnate morass that seems to define the way some see our world today. A great read and a wonderful start, Dr Tom. Give us more.
A busy business executive reads The Oasis Within, along with his small son, February 2016.
5 Stars on Good Reads - By Donna Karlin, Corporate Executive Coach (
This book takes you on multiple journeys; not only the ones Tom guides you through with his stories but how you attach your own life's stories to them as well. This is a book you'll read more than once as a reminder of what's truly important in life. I can't recommend it highly enough!
This is an amazing book and one that truly gets you thinking about what's most important in life. Tom Morris is a brilliant writer and weaves his stories in such a way that you will change your perspectives dramatically and for the better.
Kendall and Matt, ruling their tennis center and finding inner calm with The book, The Oasis Within.
Dr. Morris, Dr. Morris, Dr. Morris!! WHAT A BOOK!! The Oasis Within is absolutely amazing!!
What a page turner!! I couldn't put it down!! I read Chapters 5 and 6 in the airport and almost shouted (Black Baptist style lol) right there in the terminal. Around Chapter 9, I thought "how did he come up with this?" So I googled the book and saw your Huffington Post write up. The spirit of the Lord is real!!
I shared the Four Elements, the Triple Double and 7C's with my mom's GED students. After all, wisdom is for sharing! And they ate it up like hot KrispyKreme donuts!! It seemed to resonate deeply with them. Last night I finished the book, thousands of feet in the air as I traveled back to NJ from Chicago.
"What I wish to be, I am!!" "Much was yet to be revealed!"
Often times tears blurred my vision as I pressed my way to the next page. I say all of this to say, this book was meant for me. It was tailored to bless my soul for such a time as this!
I didn't know what to expect when you said this was your best work yet. But Doc, you've outdone yourself, sir!! And wait, this is only the PROLOGUE!!???????? WOWZERS!!
Much has yet to be revealed!!
Ms. Taylor Moore, Standup Comedian and Jazz and R&B Drummer, New York City area.
I am tickled to read the reviews on Tom Morris' new novel - THE OASIS WITHIN! I have read the book and I keep using the word PROFOUND! I highly recommend the read and the series remaining to be read! Move out of the way Harry Potter is all I can say! This is real, authentic, and PROFOUND!!!!!
Lori Harris
Good News! A very nice review of The Oasis Within just appeared in Psychology Today. To see it, click here or copy and paste into your browser this link:
Mountainside philosopher with both The Oasis Within and The Golden Palace! Great to see!
Hi, Tom! The Oasis Within is breathtaking. At times while reading I actually gasped at the beauty of the writing and the clarity of such profound and life changing ideas. Virtually every page of your book is now covered in highlights. I was particularly taken with your perspective on uncertainty. Like so many folks, I've often resisted uncertainty, or even feared it. I now have a new tool in the toolkit.
I also loved your description of goals. In my career I have focused on goals and talked about goals and obsessed about goals. But I never really saw them as a new path of concentrated, consistent and committed action. How I use goals in my life will never be the same.
Your discussion of the fire of positive energy, and for me, the idea that tough times can become fuel is inspiring and so very useful right now.
I could go on and on, but I do want to thank you specifically for one other insight - the roles of nobility and humility. After 30 years and hundreds of AA meetings that revolve around humility, I still didn't have a good way to think about the dichotomy of those ideas in life. Now I do.
I was captured by Ali and Walid. And I was taken by surprise by the plot twist and revelation. I can't wait to see what happens. Tom, this is a remarkably important work, one that I'm certain will benefit thousands and thousands of people. Thanks for sharing and thanks for your friendship.
Jack H, Company founder and president
Hi Tom: I’m home from Naples and I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed THE OASIS WITHIN! I was hooked from the opening chapter……underlining, highlighting, making notes and ‘WOW”s in the columns………
Full of chills……one in particular…….When I got to the chapter entitled ‘WISDOM BUCKET’…..for some odd reason, I drew a heart around those words………I read those two pages…..turned the page and read the line…..”My wisdom bucket is in my heart”……..chills up and down my spine….. I was definitely meant to read this book………….so, AGAIN……THANK YOU. Hope to make it to the book signing……already have a list of friends who will receive them for Christmas!!! And definitely will share with my book club!
In the last 8 years, I’ve watched my husband succumb to cancer…….and then my only child succumb to ALS………. Since I’ve been searching……which I guess is pretty normal……trying to figure out what’s next for me and trying to be open to those answers, directions, signs, etc. This book arrived in my hands in a totally random way… (Thank you Universe). MY book is now full of “highlighting”, notes, “Wows”, answers……One I will read over and over and over….It’s THAT GOOD! And so now, I’m on this new ADVENTURE with Uncle Ali and Walid…….and can’t wait to continue the journey……. Thank you Tom Morris!
With gratitude, Anne. (Anne Cunningham, Metal Artist)
I have read "The Oasis Within" twice already - it's filled with pearls of wisdom.
Philip Brown, Chief Physician Executive, New Hanover Regional Medical Center
A retired eye specialist answers the question: "Are these books good bathroom reading?" with a resounding "Yes!" He also believes the wisdom of the books to be "commodious."
From Facebook:
I’m compelled to stump for my Wilmington friend and philosopher, Tom Morris. If you haven't yet stumbled across his absolute gem of a book, "The Oasis Within", then please check it out. It is the most meaningful book I've read in years, possibly ever. Book signing this Friday evening at Mayfaire's Barnes & Noble.
Tom Hackler, Duke Energy
International businessman Vinod Ranga with The Oasis Within high in the Himalayas.
From Facebook:
This book by Tom Morris sets up what looks to be a great series of novels, and includes some priceless wisdom as well. A great read!
Mike Austin, Professor of Philosophy, Eastern Kentucky University
Tom - Thank you for giving us the beautiful lessons of THE OASIS WITHIN. Uplifting the Spirit of Life, demonstrating the inner strength aiding survival, and showing the life choices we all face - all serve to teach us to appreciate where we are at any time in our lives.
S Alan Albright
5.0Amazon 5 Stars
Timeless Wisdom for the Journey By Greg Bassham, Professor of Philosophy, King's College, on October 19, 2015
For decades, Tom Morris has been America's best-known public philosopher. No one today does a better job of making the powerful ideas of the great thinkers come alive to general readers. This slender book is Morris at his best. Here he distills, in story form, his most important insights into living a rich, purposeful, and fulfilled life. This is a book to be read and pondered in sips. If the book series is nearly as good as this companion volume, readers are in for the journey of a lifetime.
Hello from Austin! Just wanted to tell you I am almost finished with the book and I LOVE it!!! As a matter of fact, I’m going to buy one for my family and let a friend (or two or three) borrow the one you sent me. What a feel good, positive, perfect perspective on life!
Michelle McCormac, CMP, Special Events Manager, Farm Credit Bank of Texas
This is not only beautiful, but winsome, even charming!
Dr. Jerry Walls, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Resident Scholar, Houston Baptist University
Amazon 5 Stars
Just a beautifully written piece of fiction filled with complex philosophical concepts Martha Slessman
Verified Purchase: This review is from: The Oasis Within: A Journey of Preparation (Paperback)
THE OASIS WITHIN, by Dr. Tom Morris is his first book of philosophy written in a fiction format. Being a first, one would think there would be flaws in the attempt. However, there are no flaws here. Just a beautifully written piece of fiction filled with complex philosophical concepts broken down into language easily understood by young and old alike.
As Walid and his Uncle Ali, cross the desert with a caravan, there is ample opportunity for Uncle Ali to share his wisdom and experience with young, Walid. Each vista and new experience provides a venue to explain life management techniques to his young nephew. That the book tells a story and still instills one with the wisdom of the Stoics, provides for some very interesting reading.
I will share this work with my eight-year old grandson and use the book as a mapping system for helping him to better cope with society and live a happier, healthier life.
I am excited to see Dr. Morris finally take his wisdom and experience into a fictional format. He has said there is more to come in the “Oasis” series and I for one, cannot wait for the next installment.
@TomVMorris #grateful. Loved reading The Oasis Within. And what a series it will be! Like a DIY Guide to Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist! Tom Ciszek @ciszek.
Amazon 5 stars. We Need More Books Like This. By Dr. Bill Irwin, Founder and Editor of the Blackwell Philosophy and Popular Culture series and Herve A, LeBlanc Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of Philosophy, King's College, on October 12, 2015. Verified Purchase. We need more books like this. Academic philosophy lost track of wisdom a long time ago. And most literature is lacking in ideas. THE OASIS WITHIN is a work of Phi-Fi, philosophical fiction. The journey across the desert is the opportunity for dialogue between a boy and his uncle during which we learn that “Uncertainty is the canvas on which all our lives are painted.” Fans of Tom Morris will recognize his 7 Cs of success and other gems.
Dear Tom: Oasis is a journey of the soul's need and truth. Thank you for sharing this walk through life's lessons in wisdom and awareness expressed. Looking forward to more!
Warmly, Bernie and Sydney Nykanen,
I have enjoyed reading the new book by Tom Morris! I wish I can make a movie on it!! It shows how nicely the elders can pass on wisdom to the next generation and also how to tolerate and respond to the inquisitive minds of the younger generation. It is very much a thesis on leadership!! Regards, Mohan M. Phadke, India.
Tom, I heard you speak at the ValMark Securities Orlando event and really enjoyed your 7 C's of Success. Inspiring indeed! I also read your book, "The Oasis Within", by that Wednesday. After letting it sink in, in my opinion, you really have something. Its plain language and enthralling dialogue allow for a quick transmittal of millennia of philosophical texts. I don't believe it too strong to say that you may have pushed the ball forward on getting those who would otherwise have been disinterested in, or unable to learn, various philosophical axioms: Essentially "solving" the underlying question in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Thank you for this and I cannot wait for your second book! Sincerely, Nicholas T. Bowman, Director of Planning Northeast Private Client Group, Teaching Assistant Texas Tech University
Tom Morris has done it again with his extensive literary skills and creativity! Don’t miss his new fictional series of eight books creating believable characters set in Egypt during the 1930’s. This continuing saga offers exciting adventure and discovery while mixing philosophy, motivation and spirituality into a great tale soon to be enjoyed by the masses. I started his first book and quickly fell in love with the individuals he had created and their sharing of wisdom and knowledge about life. Then I got to see the other novels before they even got into print.
Each book in the series pulled me forward to the next, with interest and anticipation. An added benefit of each book includes a documented diary shown at the end that was kept by its main character, Walid, who lists the major insights gained during his trip across the desert so he can apply the important lessons to his own life. These are the true treasure of the series. They're enlightening concepts that only Tom Morris could assemble in such an interesting way at the ending of a great story. Don’t miss it. Ed Hearn, Retired Business Executive, PPC-Nashville, TN
Reading Oasis where you can hardly breathe, at an altitude of over 18,000 feet, high above it all.
I received The Oasis Within by email attachment from Tom Morris a few months after meeting him at our gym. I knew he was a writer, but had never read anything by him. After printing out a copy of the very first draft, I began reading. Within the first ten pages, I was completely captured by the no-nonsense story line. The lessons that are taught throughout the book are lessons for life, for people of all ages. One of my first thoughts was that this should be required reading in Middle School or High School. When I completed reading The Oasis Within, I felt the urge to share it. With Tom's permission, I gave my copy to a customer (a restaurant owner) and forwarded the email attachment of the book to my vice president of sales. Both were blown away and wanted to know who the heck was this Tom Morris guy? My son leaves for college soon and I'll make sure he reads it before he goes. Great life lessons in a great story! Don Sharp, Senior Representative, Performance-IFC Sales
Finished The Oasis Within - and will highlight the book on your podcast. Loved the book and its story approach to present life wisdom. It is one thing to be the professor and share the knowledge, but it is so much better to actually experience and live that wisdom through the story of Walid and Ali. As has once been shared with me: Information plus thought is knowledge ... Knowledge plus action is wisdom. Your book is about wisdom, not just knowledge (I hear your voice as Ail speaks). I am excited for the next book. When will it be available? Then the next... then the next... Nice job - I knew it would be. Best always, Jay Forte, Founder, The Greatness Zone
Amazon 5 stars
The Journey of Wisdom begins By Ed Brenegar on September 2, 2015 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
If you could take the great wisdom of the world and teach the best way possible, it would be in story and experience. This is what Tom V. Morris has accomplished with The Oasis Within: A Journey of Preparation. It is a story of a wise uncle and his nephew as they caravan across the desert in the 1930s. They speak of the deep things of life, all very philosophical, yet without it being a lecture or a set of abstractions. This is like a conversation taking place with a close friend as you make a long road trip. As a result, it is an ideal book for conversation between people.
This book is so jammed packed with practical wisdom, that I'm wonder what could be said in the upcoming novels in the series, Walid and The Mysteries of Phi. My recommendation is that you buy two copies, share one with a friend or family member, and then talk about the stories and wisdom that Tom brings to us. This would be particularly good for a grandparent to give to their grandchild as they enter middle school. The Oasis Within: A Journey of Preparation
Amazon 5 stars
Like The Little Prince and Jonathan Livingston Seagull By george manning on September 8, 2015 Format: Paperback The Oasis Within is filled with thoughts for right living you would think a philosopher should know. Uncles, aunts, and all other teachers will think of their charges and smile. The distilled notes in Walid's diary belong on every teenager's mirror and every family's refrigerator. Like The Little Prince and Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Oasis Within won't get dusty. I liked the book from the beginning, but was jolted to attention when the story included intrigue and danger from a kingdom coup. I was disappointed when the book ended, but pleased to know . . . more is to come and much is yet to be revealed. I'm looking forward to it.
Amazon 5 stars
Read This Review!! By John B. Spence on September 10, 2015
I am listed as one of the top book reviewers on Amazon and I can say without hesitation that this book would be in my top 10 of all time. I read more than 100 leadership/philosophy/self-help books year and have every year since 1989 and The Oasis Within is a compilation of the very best ideas I've seen through all those books wrapped up in a wonderful and engaging story, with compelling characters and truly life-changing lessons. This is a superb book for any adult, but if I had teenager I would get this book for them immediately. If you have read The Profit, The Richest Man in Babylon, the Four Agreements or the Alchemist and enjoyed them – this book will absolutely delight you. I honestly believe this book is destined to one day be considered among the best ever written on personal success and a life well lived. This book has my highest possible recommendation.
Amazon 5 stars
It is refreshing to read a book that includes such helpful philosophy By Jon T Vincent on September 14, 2015
It is refreshing to read a book that includes helpful/philosophical knowledge that can be applied to everyday life! I cannot wait for the second book to be published.
Tom: Reading The Oasis Within made my weekend better.
Louis Gump, Founder, The Roan Scholarships, East Tennessee State University
Dr. Morris...I just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoyed The Oasis Within. What a great combination of fiction and Philosophy! - Brian Hatch, Canada
You are such a brilliant writer. There are nuggets to take away on top of nuggets in everything you write. What a gift, Tom! - Donna Karlin, prominent author, speaker, and leadership coach, Canada.
I have almost finished reading this to my kids. They have loved it. I think it has inspired more conversation about important things than any book we've ever read before. We'll done! You are doing wonderful work. I highlighted quite a few passages in The Oasis Within that resonate with my experience. Keep it up! - Todd Long, Professor of Philosophy, California Polytechnic University.
The Oasis Within has strong rhythm and even flow. The kaleidoscope analogy is brilliant, because unknown opportunities lurking in the future give us hope. I enjoyed the contrasts between uncertainties and down to earth elements. Water, air, and fire offer vivid images; furthermore, I am less likely to read a story about astronomy. Thank you for sharing and I will recommend to friends. - Matt C. Beasley